Message from the President, Ralph Boe:
Our vision at ArrowStar® is to provide rapid response to customer needs with consistent quality solutions for their problems and developments through chemistry. We are working diligently to help create a better world for people everywhere. We apply our ingenuity, our expertise, and our technology to solve problems, with a focus on solutions for the longer term by employing advanced chemical technologies and concepts that deliver tangible, environmentally responsible, and market driven solutions.
We operate in a safe manner for our associates and customers and provide the most efficient service through a seasoned sales and technical support team for which we will be rewarded based on value. Our goal is for everyone to return home safely everyday by creating a safe working environment and establishing a requirement to adhere to safe working practices.
We have created sustainable solutions and product platforms to help our customers manage their environmental footprint from our portfolio of standard products to custom manufacturing products to achieve their objectives. We do this to better serve our people, our customers, and our communities.
We adhere to a philosophy of operating efficiently through energy conservation, water conservation, waste reduction/elimination, and use of more environmentally friendly materials. Our social responsibility includes direct financial and personal involvement in various community organizations assisting those less fortunate in health, well being, and personal development initiatives.
We seek fulfillment in knowing that everyday we have tried to improve the quality of what we do for our customers, our associates, our families, the community, and the environment. We are committed to helping you. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Ralph Boe
President, ArrowStar, LLC

- ArrowStar, LLC (USA)
- StarChem, LLC (USA)
- StarChem, Inc. (Canada)
- StarChem, SA (Honduras)
- Arropol Chemicals, Inc.
Executive Board
- Chairman: Charles Cofield
- CFO: Kevin Harris
- Human Resources: Nick Gentry

StarChem Global
- StarChem, LLC
- starchemglobal.com
- (800) 677-3500